Here We Go Again…

Another Turn on the Merry-go-Round…

Over the past 5 days or so, there has simultaneously arisen news concerning a new plandemic imminently on the horizon. It seems to have been initiated from the TSA Gub’ment Agency who in a meeting of personnel on August 15, 2023 advised masks will once again be mandated by mid-September, 2023 for all TSA employees and airport personnel which will subsequently be applied to all fliers likely by mid-October.

So effectively we are now, once again, looking down the muzzle of not only mask mandates of Gub’ment, industry, education and society, but also:

  1. Physical Distancing;
  2. Banning of Large Gatherings, including families, Church, etc.;
  3. Isolation & Quarantining of students, the elderly, the infirm etc.;
  4. Remote Learning & Work;
  5. Contact Tracing;
  6. Symptom Monitoring;
  7. Frequent and Vigorous Hand Washing; and
  8. mRNA, so-called vaccines with all the subsequent detrimental health results.

Needless to say, those of us who doubted the whole previous plandemic nonsense but instead concluded it was merely an exercise in conditioning the Great Unwashed to docility, compliance and obedience were justified because the entire foolery is being swirled up once again. Incidentally, there is a distinct chance that mandated mRNA jabs will also be instituted, but that is yet to be seen; meantime, keep your head on a swivel for further news on this potential.

In addition, there is now speculation the financial “helps” of the last plandemic will also be initiated only this time it will be given in the form of limited time, (meaning two week only}, CBDC issued by the Gub’ment for limited mileage range of initial issue for redemption. In other words, we will be prepared for untimely E-coins and 15 minute cities conditioning.

Finally, there is also strong rumors of not only plandemic lock-downs, but also climate lock-downs being included or later added to these mandates. This is largely based on “reported” incidence of a cleaner environments over the 2 and ½ year lock-down of the previous plandemic, most especially in light of the current “earth-boiling” climate crises.

Folks, regrettably, while this provokes an “I told you so moment” I take no pride in this! For many years I’ve encouraged everyone to prepare. Largely, however, this advice has fallen on deaf ears because most people put false hope in “normalcy bias” that is, society will continue on with its stroll down herbaceous borders and all will be right with the world. Well, I’m here to tell ya’ it just ain’t necessarily so. Even in this late time everyone should be stocking up, putting back and otherwise preparing for the seemingly inevitable. DO IT NOW!

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Still Not Prepping…?

Perhaps This Will Change Your Mind!

I’ve been emphasizing preparedness since the inception of these pages in 2005. Although I couched my forecasts to avoid promoting anxiety it was clearly evident to me, after extensive research, desperate days were approaching and with rapidity. Extensive means that I covered not only grain and meat production, but also, ocean shipping, trucking, warehousing, wholesale stores, supermarket reserves and pricing, crude oil reserves and pricing, finance, government stats (for what that’s worth), and housing among many, many other things. Most especially prominent in these researches and studies was the political climate and advancement of the Globalist Movement. Since Geo. H. W. Bush’s September 11. 1990 (N. B. the date) declaration of the imposition of a New World Order, it was abundantly clear that dark clouds were looming on the horizon. This sense of doom was made profoundly clear with the events surrounding 9/11 of 2001 and the succeeding decades.

Early on I stressed the need to gain skills and experience in various areas ranging from gardening, preservation, canning, and camping skills, alternatives energies as wood and coal heat, raising small scale livestock for needed protein, basic medical skills to handle family emergencies, communication techniques including Amateur Radio licensing, as well as building a myriad of skills and experience for a time when the usual avenues of society become restricted. I highlighted how even in limited spaces these things may all be accomplished surreptitiously and under the radar, even now. These were all promoted in an atmosphere of challenge rather than an atmosphere of anxiety.

With conditions over the past 18 – 20 months things are accelerating at “warp speed”, to parrot recent advancements of the Globalist agenda. Many of these things have not been anticipated and these need to be urgently addressed; chief among them is anxiety. While in the past anxieties have been intentionally avoided in the reporting of CRS, recent anxiety-causing events have caused many to become so anxious they are freezing like deer in the headlights. This not the time to engage in this behavior! It is a time to redouble and even triple efforts to become as self-sustaining and self-reliant as possible. Admittedly, with the scarcities quickly developing it may be hard to secure long-term foods (i. e. 5 – 25 year freeze dried #10 cans of food), nevertheless, it is still possible to obtain foods simply and easily through buying 1 or 2 extra cans of whatever your weekly needs may be. Times being what they are, we may soon find that we will be divided into a 2-tier society with those of us against the narrative de jour being segregated in all things including jobs, food shopping, lock-downs and other things thereby forming a second class citizenry, all despite seemingly Constitutionally guaranteed God given Rights.

So press on! It is still possible to gain information of the above skills and experiences, though this too is being limited as censorship moves forward. You can always go to back issues of CRS for specific details and How-To’s.

As always recite the ejaculate: Holy Mary, Mother of Our Savior, Multiplier of Wheat, keep us from want!


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Intro to the Grand Solar Minimum

By now I would’ve imagined that most people would have heard of and understood what is a Grand Solar Minimum. However, it has come to my attention that many folks still do not know what this means and many folks have never even heard the term before or understand the implications of it.

In a nutshell, the Sun has entered into the modern Grand Solar Minimum (2020 – 2053) that will lead to a significant reduction of the solar magnetic field and activity like during previous Maunder minimum leading to a noticeable reduction of terrestrial temperature.

More technically, the Sun is the main source of energy for all planets of the solar system. This energy is delivered to Earth in the form of solar radiation of different wavelengths, called total solar irradiance. Variations of solar irradiance lead to heating of the upper planetary atmosphere and complex processes of solar energy transport this energy toward the planetary surface. Recent progress with the understanding of the role of solar background magnetic fields in defining solar activity and with quantifying the observed magnitudes of these magnetic fields at different times enabled reliable long term prediction of solar activity on a millennium timescale. This approach revealed the presence of not only the usual 11-year solar cycles but also of grand solar cycles with a duration of up to 350 – 400 years, (that would be complete cycles of grand minimums and maximums).

These grand cycles are formed by the interferences of two magnetic waves with close but not equal frequencies produced by the double solar dynamo action at different depths of the solar interior. These grand cycles are always separated by grand solar minima of Maunder minimum type, which regularly occurred in the past forming well-known Maunder, Wolf, Oort, Homeric, and other grand minima.

During these grand solar minima, there is a significant reduction of the solar magnetic field and solar irradiance, which impose the reduction of terrestrial temperatures derived for these periods from the analysis of terrestrial biomass during the past 12,000 or more years.

This current Grand Solar Minimum has started in the Sun in 2020 and expects it to last until 2053.

During this modern grand minimum, one would expect to see a reduction of the average terrestrial temperature by up to 1.0 °C (1.8 °F), especially, during the periods of solar minima between the cycles 25 – 26 and 26 – 27, e.g. in the decade 2031 – 2043. The Maunder GSM lasted 65 years from 1645 to 1710 AD. This Maunder GSM in the northern hemisphere led to frozen rivers, cold long winters, and cold summers. In fact, these GSM cycles also demonstrate an increase in seismic activities in the form of volcanoes and earthquakes which we already currently see. Climate change both on a micro and macro level also can result in floods, fires, rains, desertification and / or increased snow.

Whew!… That was a mouthful!

The reduction of a terrestrial temperature during the next 30 years can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies, and heating needs in both northern and southern hemispheres. This in turn will have global social ramifications and these combined with contrived and orchestrated emergencies, like CoVid-19, food manipulation of supplies and distribution, will have devastating impacts on life as we have come to know it. Indeed, now is the last ditch time to stock up before it is too late.

Please note that contrary to politically correct global warming being a product of man and his overpopulation which is a myth; it is ultimately a function of the Sun and its influence on our planet as well as other planets within the Solar System that cause climate change.

The first video gives an overview of the Grand Solar Minimum from both a weather perspective and WEF’s Great Reset. Since YouTube does not make this available via typical “cut & paste” so here is the title to look up on YouTube: What THEY are NOT Telling YOU / The Grand Solar Minimum / Agenda 2030 /

This is from Morning D. E. W.

Meantime, the below video by the Ice Age Farmer indicates what we can expect day to day in the foreseeable future.

Holy Mary, Mother of Our Savior, Multiplier of Wheat keep us from want!


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The Emperor has No Cloths

Americans tend to be idealist! While former generations had realistic ideals contemporary Americans, despite having a higher education, (or perhaps because of it), cannot discern real ideals from Utopian dreams. As an instance, take electric vehicles… Everyone assumes the ideal that these innovations are the answer to alleged carbon reduction in our atmosphere. At best they are an offset because ultimately they are tied to the electric grid which is carbon based fuel in its use of coal, natural gas or oil. Indeed with the increased use of electric vehicles there will be new and increased demands on the grid to power this Utopian ideal. Unfortunately, most folks only use casual research to formulate their “facts” and give short shrift to the fact of this reality. Thinking back to Middle School science most of us over 55 were taught combustion engines are leagues ahead of electric motors in power and efficiency. This despite leaps in efficient use of energy storage such as batteries. That said however, batteries and other devices have their own demons but that is a story for another day.

A second green illusion is that solar panels, the Messiah of the Green Age, which allegedly is produced by common sand, the most abundant mineral on earth. In truth, solar panels are produced by silica a component of sand, but not from sand itself which contains too many impurities for practical panel manufacture. Instead it is produced by the mining of purer silica containing quartz and processed through combination with high quality coal. Additionally, this process of heating these two minerals at 1800 degrees C. requires coal for heating and smelting of them. Both procedures by the way, produce Sulfur dioxide a pollutant itself. So once again it is a Utopian illusion and far from reality.

Back in the day when the environmental movement started it was enhanced by a grassroots movement called Back-to-Land, which consisted of individuals, families and small groups which produced their own needs be it food, water, waste disposal, and energy though their own small scale efforts. This is what Catholic Distributionist’s called subsidiarity, that is, the name given to the principle that a central authority should have a subsidiary or secondary function, performing only those tasks which cannot be performed at a more local level. Today with the modern “Green Movement” we see the opposite that is a conglomeration and integration of huge principals and money for immense projects that do far more damage to the environment than they remedy.

Overall despite voices in the wilderness decrying these very facts for decades some voices are beginning to come through and some from unlikely sources. One of these is Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans video, ( I’ve always been one to warn of Greek’s bearing gifts, so to speak and therefore question the motivation behind a seeming pivot of Mr. Moore’s raison d’être (Social Liberalism) and it is obvious that his greater motive is population control, which has been from Malthus on down the underlying, (and I stress the word, lying) MO of the environmental movement. Nevertheless, that is no reason not to view this important video just from the standpoint it exposes the hoax of the fraudulent green movement; not that population control is an evil that also needs to also be addressed via an exposé.

So what, if anything, is the answer to our environmental woes? A second wave of Back-to-Land movements at the grassroots level is called for. This of course, is far from World Economic Forum’s Great Rest, which calls for aggregation of people in “green cities” under close scrutiny and limited freedom. Essentially, this Back-to-Land movement is idealist no doubt, but it is not necessarily Utopian. Though hard work, practice, experience and true research it is eminently achievable. The key is dedication and effort. A fundamental strength of a new Back-to-Land movement is that we now have an aging generation who through trial and error have seen the benefit and flaws of such a system. Pick their experienced brains for true knowledge it is key to any future success… that is unless you like the prospect of “owning nothing and being happy”!


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That Certain Glow…

Time was when you could go to any grocer and get produce to begin your garden. Potatoes, ginger, various herbs and other veggies could be bought at a fraction of the price paid to seed companies. While it is true that you’d never know the strains and varieties you planted, nor would you know if the strain and variety from the grocer were disease resistant, in a pinch, you could plant and grow many things and harvest a good fall crop. Indeed, how many times did the spuds go to root in the larder so as to not have a total loss you planted it in the garden for some future benefit in more spuds. Ah… those were the days my friend!

Today, thanks to technology we now have the “benefit” of sterile and dead foods which makes this nearly impossible. Ostensibly, it is done for safety sake, but in reality it is done to thwart homegrown cheapskates, like myself, from growing on the cheap; and also to keep the cash-cow, that is us, buying in the seed market. So along with Frankenfoods we now have the case of irradiated produce that renders the product allegedly safe but sterile. Essentially, our grocery foods are dead and devoid of life. They are also devoid of some if not all nutritional value in that many vitamins and other nutrients are destroyed in the irradiation process. This also does not address the long term effects of eating radiation tainted foods as adequate research has not been done. So once again we are forced to follow the “science” of the small group of biased researchers who are paid by the producing company team.

Take the case of my recent experience with both potatoes and ginger. We bought 5 lbs. of organic Yukon Gold potatoes meant for the larder or immediate consumption at a sale price of $4.19 per 5 pound bag. I noticed they did not yet have “eyes” but assumed they were just too young to have developed them so put them in the warmed soil. We also bought 1 lb. organic ginger. I planted the biggest ginger root again with no “eyes” passing over an already rooting smaller one, thinking that being from the same lot they were all viable and the larger would yield more plants in the short New England season.

Now after nearly a month in warmed garden soil in the case of the potatoes; and a heated greenhouse in the case of the ginger neither planting is growing. Apparently, they were irradiated for safety sake rendering them useless for my purposes. Don’t just chalk this off to conspiracy theory, remember less than 5 years ago you could by whole herb plants from the grocer with roots, either potted or in cellophane, ready for windowsill planting. Today they are only available as cut, packaged and refrigerated sprigs with little to no flavor of the rooted type.

Finally, let’s consider something else… the alleged natural and organic potatoes and ginger were obviously irradiated. So how is this natural and organic. As I’ve stated in past postings these terms are used fast and loose by public relation firms to convince the populous to buy their products, when in fact there is no, repeat no, official designation for either term, either by governmental agencies or so-called organic NGO’s. In all things always ask: Qui bono, that is who benefits? Clearly the public rarely if ever benefits from anything sold in the commercial markets.


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It is getting harder and harder for a smallstock homesteader to be nutritionally independent. First we had to contend with the herbicide Roundup© a Monsanto product. Then we had to put up with GMO’s, i. e. Genetically Modified Organisms; which we needed to avoid in general but particularly GMO’s designed to work with Roundup© allowing stronger doses of the herbicide. Many of the foundational staples crops for both man and animal were genetically modified, for instance, corn, soybeans and alfalfa. Now, however, a new wrinkle has appeared that most natural and organic growers and consumers, especially smallstock homesteaders are barely aware of. First lets review some of the details of both Roundup© , that is glyphosate, and the new threat, that is, aminopyralid, aka, Grazon©, a Dow Agrichemical Product. Each act in different ways and attack different weeds.


Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in global agriculture. And glyphosate based products are the second most widely used home and garden herbicides. Glyphosate is non-selective, which means it will kill just about any plant it comes into contact with. Once the compound is applied, plants’ leaves absorb it and pass it throughout the plant down to the roots.

It prevents plants from making certain proteins they need to grow. It does this by shutting down the shikimic acid pathway in plants. Without this pathway, plants die in a matter of days or weeks. Some microorganisms have this same pathway, but humans and animals don’t.

The shikimic acid pathway is responsible for the production of vitamins and aromatic amino acids such as phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan. It is also a source of precursors which are converted to an array of natural products.

Manufacturers mix glyphosate with other chemicals that cause it to stick tightly to the weeds and soil it’s sprayed on. This in the hopes it will keep it from drifting and damaging crops or other desirable plants.

Monsanto’s patent on glyphosate expired in 2000, which allowed other companies to begin making and marketing herbicides that contain the ingredient. By 2015, more than 750 products made with glyphosate were available in the United States, according to the National Pesticide Information Center.

Though businesses primarily sell the chemical in liquid form, companies also manufacture acid and salt versions of the pesticide. It can be applied at ground level from farm machines or through aerial spraying by crop dusters. It also comes premixed for use in handheld sprayers.

Glyphosate is widely used on fruit, vegetable and cereal crops, and ornamental plantings, but corn and soybean crops account for about two-thirds of the pesticide’s use every year.


Grazon© or other aminopyralid containing herbicides are sprayed on pastures because they don’t kill grasses, only plants such as horse nettle, pigweed and blackberries. Then after application, the cows, horses and other animals graze on the grass, ingesting the herbicide which passes undigested through their systems and into their manure.

Of course, the manure is then composted by many farmers both big and small and later incorporated into the garden as fertilizer. While the simple answer is to avoid such manure one never knows if the hay that a homesteader buys has been sprayed with aminopyralids, mainly because so little is known of this herbicide by the general public. The result is that many natural and organic smallstock homesteaders don’t know to ask the sales outlet if aminopyralids are used on the straw and hay. In deed, the outlets may know but the minimum wage employee may not know or worse may not care.

The sinister aspect of this aminopyralid ridden manure is it can be composted for a year or more and it will STILL kill your garden plants. Don’t be fooled and think that you can bypass this through buying of commercial manures. These too can be questionable as you don’t know what is in the commercial manures. In these post-Plandemic times it is increasingly difficult to trust in many heretofore, trustworthy companies and agencies. Unless you grow it yourself from homegrown seed you can never be sure of the source or care of what you use, eat or buy.

Stay alert! Do your due diligence and research everything that goes into your family’s mouth and that of your animals as well. Pray: Holy Mary, Mother of Our Savior, Multiplier of wheat, save us from want!

Richard of Danbury, D.S.G.

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The Truth Will Out

St. Paul tells us: For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.Eph.6:12   Most of us have rightly understood this to mean that we face not only the world and the flesh but also the devil in our daily struggles. We’ve also had the nagging feeling that the unprecedented events of our times have much to do with this admonition of St. Paul, but we could quite never put our figure on it. The increased crime and chaos in our cities and towns; the godless and mocking groups like BLM and Antifa; and the complacency of our Democratic governors, mayors and town councils all leave us bewildered and wondering at the insidious genius that lurks behind them: and clearly there is an occult spirit behind it!

Well, I’m here to tell you that finally, through all the smoke and mirrors, a clear picture emerges on the occult mastermind behind it all. BLM, for instance, although self-admitted influenced by Marxism has now been revealed to worship the nether occult deities of witchcraft, voodoo, hoodoo, Santeria and other nefarious so-called “religions”. The depths to which this pervasive influence has reached is truly unbelievable and unless explained most would be incredulous to believe. Below I cite a Rebel News report on BLM and what they stand for and worship; the hidden meaning of their chants and slogans and their overall hate of mankind which is reflective of Satan’s own hatred of man.  

Here is the web citation for an in-depth detail of what BLM and other leftist organization really represent:

But Wait There’s More…

While we’ve come to expect the hidden enemy which has at all times plagued us since Genesis, we also have open and exposed forces, generally in leadership roles of religion, economics, business and politics not just influencing current events but endorsing, orchestrating, and directing increasingly diabolic agendas both locally and globally. As an example, if you think this coming food shortage just a fluke of nature… think again. We’ve recently seen food stores in ports, silos, mills, etc. destroyed through suspicious “accident” and “spontaneous” catastrophes.  The underlying cause is would indicate otherwise, however.

Additionally, we have increasing talk of further contrive shutdowns, lockdowns, rationing and other means of controlling food, and as Henry Kissinger once said: control the food and you control the people. In view of the CoVid-19 Scamdemic we can see just what’s in the offing for us all.

What is most important to us God-fearing folk is the fact of what is not said quite openly and that is the replacement of God by infernal “deities” like the worship of Gaia, Pachomama, and Mother Earth. These generally take the form of depopulation schemes by any means necessary. Worst of all it is promoted by Church leaders all the way up to and including the Pope. Lord Jesus Christ save us!

Below is the current web citation which details it more succinctly than I:


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The End of the World as We Know It

Preppers and survivalists have long been preparing for TEOTWAWKI and WROL, that is, without rule of law for decades. However, they have usually revolved around preconceived notions of a complete breakdown of government and law ala Mad Max; thus the term TEOTWAWKI, that is the end of the world as we know it. Most folks have been operating under the outmoded delusion of fleeing to the hills, living off the land, growing, canning, and preserving your own foods when civilization dissolves into a new dark age of lawlessness: all the while defending our homes and stores against the lawless Golden Horde. Essentially, they believe we will become a sovereign nation unto ourselves, even if said nation is only a couple of acres. Such notions are pure fantasy land!

Even during the historic so-called Dark Ages strong and powerful chieftains arose organizing, for better or worse, into petty kingdoms and fiefdoms. Many, if not most of these kingdoms had their roots in rascals, scoundrels and rogues who ruthlessly seized power and used it to their benefit and not that of the subjugated peoples. In fact, many of the nobility of the world can trace their lineage back to such genesis. The lust for power is foundational to humans in a fallen world, both then and now.

Times today are unprecedented in that governments at all levels are highly organized and firmly emplaced so that it is practically impossible to go against them. Some may say: not so, just look at the rioters in our cities; but one must take into account that police and other law enforcement have been told to stand down by governmental leaders, for a variety of nefarious, generally political reasons. Meantime, millions, if not billions of dollars are lost… to say nothing of the more than 30 lives lost while these “leaders” use these useful Marxist violent idiots to further their wicked agendas. Rest assured that this seemingly random chaos is precisely planned and by intricate design.

…but what has this got to do with TEOTWAWKI? Essentially, this is by definition TEOTWAWKI, the end of the world as we know it …or better as we knew it. The world today is not the world I was born into. Not only has Liberalism slowly by slowly eroded our liberties and rights but has conditioned the people to accept the new normal, even institutionalized it in law. Those under the age of 55 years old, generally, accept the “Right” of a woman to choose, i.e. abortion and also accepted is the legitimacy of Sodomite unions. We are also witness to the institutionalizing of gender identity in many jurisdictions, with as many as 23 different genders. In some places protected speech now includes pronoun usage to comply with these various genders. To continue within the past three months we’ve been mandated to wear masks, initially voluntary, then socially pressured and now by force of law. This was consciously designed to condition the masses to accept mandatory vaccinations. “My body, my choice” notwithstanding, we will soon be jabbed whether we like it or not under the guise of the greater good. The pattern will follow the same route as the masks, first voluntary, then socially, then by law. Additionally, we will be coerced by travel restrictions, retail shopping, jobs, through no jab, no job policies, and finally by issuance of health certificates attesting to our vaccine status.

Clearly, then we are in the real sense in the popularly imagined TEOTWAWKI! It did not come through standoffs like Ruby Ridge, or the Koresh Compound, or declaration of martial law, but by largely and simply a major scare tactic CoVid-19 and the ensuing rioters.

Now What to Do?!?!

The first step is not to react but to act. Reaction is anticipated by the elitist, in fact relied on. Think through deliberately and soberly all options, even if few. Do this realistically, not on impulse. Men’s initial response is to get mad, sometimes to the point of blind rage; women, on the other hand, tend to cry… both are reactive emotional responses and neither is a productive response. Resist at all costs these initial reactions.

First determine your duties of state, as a husband / wife; as a father / mother; as a provider protector in the case of father; and as nurturer and homemaker in the case of the mother. For instance as a father you have the duty to keep food on the table and roof overhead. The initial reactive response to the boss saying that you must take the jab may well be… I’ll quit first, but how does this fulfill your husband and fatherly duties? If things go as they seem to, even if you quit, you may have to be jabbed to get unemployment compensation. It may also bring your family under the vaccine microscope, which could be counter to your intent. Additionally, this could escalate to your having jail time and your kids being put into the foster care system… where you and they would be forced to be vaccinated. So what would your impulsive reactions have accomplished?

So deliberately and REALISTICALLY determine all your options. Don’t just give up job, house and extended family for a reactionary move to another seemingly favorable State. All it takes is a signature to enact the same conditions you just left within your new home and location where for all intents and purposes you’re starting anew; this could mean lower pay, less seniority, less house and land and ultimately you could still be in the same situation.

Investigate thoroughly all options including moving. Do your due diligence or you will be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. South Dakota, for instance, initially has appeal because of its politics and social organization; but keep in mind: it has on average 28 tornadoes a year; is geographically part of the historic Dust Bowl; its primary source of water is the Ogallala Aquifer, which is incrementally becoming depleted due to population and insufficient rains; it is a mega farm State where prime land is already tied up by Big AG with all its drifting GMO’s infecting neighboring crops; it’s growing season needed for the subsistence farming, that is, family farms is too short for long term storage and success; Finally, the  summer conditions of South Dakota and adjacent States are extremely humid and in wintertime conditions extremely cold.

Basically, it is all a balance… You may have diverted the jab for a time, but like I say it is potentially just a signature away. In short, don’t emotionally react… act for your long term best interests are at stake.

One final consideration and I don’t say this to say: I told you so, but there is a learning curve, a serious learning curve to growing food for the larder and not just for your summer garden salad. It something I’ve been urging since the inception of my blogs. You must have basic downhome skills and this is not something to learn under pressure when the family is relying on you for food.  In the end it comes down to plan, study, research, practice and learn necessary skills and this will take some time.

Meantime, lay as low as possible within health and reason. Don’t make waves. Don’t offer advice or opposition at work about masks, vaccines or other social or political stuff, no matter how much you may think they agree. Don’t try to convince your neighbors the detriments of mask wearing or vaccines or you may be setting yourself up for a fall when you are turned in to authorities as an antiauthoritarian and subversive. Remember, everyone has equal access to the Internet for research and their research is always “better” than yours. So you won’t win over coverts but only assure job loss or snitch neighbors.

God gave us a rational brain use it as He intended and not rely on primordial instinct like any other beasts. It could prove disastrous!

Lobo Solo Lobo





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Think It Through

Increasingly people are coming around to the fact that the “peaceful protests” which destroy both public and private property is not an expression of outrage over black lives or police brutality but are simply a political campaign to destroy the social and financial fabric of the United States and other countries. This in turn is intended so the Marxist-Democrats aim to have the electorate blame sitting President Donald J. Trump for the M-D contrived false flag of both CoVid-19 and the Marxist agenda of the radical rioters in our cities. This, however, will come back to bite them in the butt as it is obvious to any but the brain dead,  knee-jerk liberals that the conditions of the cities and States is in the hands of mayors and governors and not the Feds. Effectively this means the Marxist-Democrats are willing to sacrifice property and more importantly lives in order to achieve their extreme agenda of a complete Marxist State, read U.S.SA.

While it is difficult to see through the smoke and mirrors of this strategy due to the Democratic liberal mouthpiece of the Main Stream Media it is clear to anyone who can analyze the situation that this Marxist Conspiracy is deeper than one would suspect. For instance, regarding the masks that are being foisted on us, they are nothing more than muzzles designed not only to separate us but were introduced as a prerequisite to the violence now in our streets. In the pasts these Marxist were the only ones to wear masks in public so they stood out, now however, since all are being required to don the muzzle it is difficult to tell the bad guys from the good. What a strange and fortuitous coincidence for the Marxists, Don’t you think? Indeed, in Portland, OR these muzzle wearing violent agitators surround themselves with mask wearing useful idiots who think they are participating in peaceful protests while from behind frozen bottles of water, feces, high-powered laser pens, and other improvised weapons are aimed at our law enforcement officers. Indeed, long-lasting damage has been done to the eyesight of at least three Federal Officers who were assigned to protect Federal property.

If required to wear a mask for work, retail shopping, going out in public, etc. make sure it has a statement imprinted on it such as: George Orwell’s 1984 or Welcome to the U.S.S.A. This will let them know that we are on to them while we comply with the letter of the laws but not the spirit.

Meanwhile, this Marxist-Democrat agenda is glaringly clear because these rioters would have already been brought to heel if the Democratic mayors and governors had acted in unison with the Feds to quell the problem from the first stone’s throw or first fires lit by the mobs. It is also very telling that instead of standing with their own police forces the mayors are capitulating to calls for defunding the police, despite clinical terms of redirecting budgets. Such moves only embolden the mobs with the result of increasing rates of murder, rape, home invasions, robberies, etc.

So what is to be done? Stand with and behind the President and more importantly your police. Make it a point to shake the hand of your local cop and let him know we are proud to stand with them. In this way we will encourage our police and ensure that they will continue to do their utmost to Protect and Serve.

Finally, with more and more corporate entities kowtowing to the mobs, not only with draconian mandates such as muzzles but also money, be sure to let them know that we also have a choice not to do business with them should they capitulate with violent mobs.

Please feel free to spread this among friends!


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Nothing New Under the Sun

In witnessing the actions of the “peaceful summer of love” of the rioters… oh! Peaceful protesters… pardon me! I had a feeling of déjà vu all over again, when suddenly from the distant past of 1966 -1967 the images of Moa Zedong’s Red Guard flooded into my memory. Of course I’d seen this form of peaceful protest before; it was in every news magazine of the day.

Chinese Red Guards Apologize, Reopening A Dark Chapter ...


Red Guards desecrating tombs of even highly regarded and influential Communists, tearing down monuments, burning books of leading cultural and intellectual heroes from 1949 forward, bringing intellectuals and others before kangaroo courts (who cannot forget the infamous dunce caps of the era) and erasing history of the great Chinese nation effectively prior to 1960. The Red Guard consisted of students and received personal support from Mao to propagandize and accomplish his own Communist ideals such as destroying symbols of China’s pre-communist past. Effectively, it was the Chinese Communist political Aggiornamento, which is, bringing up to date the Communist Ideals of Marxist Revolution.

[Aside: coincidentally this is in line with the implementation and deployment of the VCII “reforms” of the New Order Catholic Church. Truly, the decade of the 1960’s was a decade of revolution in all spheres and in all places. ]

Moreover, the government was very permissive of the Maoist Red Guards, allowing them to inflict even bodily harm on people viewed as countering the narrative. Though the movement grew quickly, it also rapidly grew out of control and all was over but the shouting by 1969; largely because it was frequently coming into conflict with existing Communist authority and threatening public order and security.

This being a political year in the USA, unfortunately, the existing mostly Democrat and RINO authorities have allowed these miscreants of our day to promulgate their chaotic and murderous ways making political hay out of these useful idiots much as Mao used the Red Guard in an attempt to unseat the “new” Communists of his era.

In the era of the Red Guard, Mao’s Little Red Book was used as the Bible of the “new” Communists not only in China, but the world over. I can vividly recall Mao’s book in the hands of students in NYC subways on my way to and from school. It was the political statement of the day for dissidents, (and they were legion), here in the USA. Today, though not nearly as visible the revolutionary tome of the day is Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. While not carried as a pocket guide most of the Marxists protesters of the last few weeks are thoroughly familiar with its methods and means which can be seen in their contemporary actions in the destruction and devastation of our cities and our culture. Indeed, the Red Guard’s Revolution was popularly known as the Cultural Revolution and is frequently echoed by the rioters… Oh! There I go again… protestors, as well as politicians as our cities turn to ash.

BTW, under our First Amendment Rights is the right of free speech… even so-called “hate” speech. One person’s regard as hate speech is another’s reasonable speech. Regrettably, these under-educated summer lovers are misinformed or deliberately blind to the fact that the only speech that is not allowed under the First Amendment is speech advocating violence. Yet, these snowflakes not only engage in their own violent hate speech but actually engage in violence up to and including mayhem and murder …all in the name of “free speech”.

In conclusion, what is to become of these congregate radicals of our time? Will their Reign of Terror diminish away like a long forgotten nightmare? I think not any time soon! I believe with this long hot summer and the political season in the offing we will not only see continued “civil disobedience”, (read anarchy), we will see a continued displays of disgusting political posturing and pandering of the new extreme radical Democrats, who reflect the neo-Marxist ideals of the “Squad” of their radical left wing. Further when Trump gains a second term because the electorate can see through the smoke and mirrors of the not-so-subtle Marxist led Democrats the violent agenda will be doubled-down by the simpering losers unable to cope with defeat under our Republican Democracy. Indeed, they will pull all stops to undermine not only the culture and economy, but also the very fabric of our government as envisioned by our founders. In short, all hell will break loose. Be forewarned and be prepared!


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